Lucid Body | Holistic Acting Coach

Lucid Body Retreat

Modica, Sicily, ITALY | May 31st-June 5th, 2024 | 6 days -5 nights​

In English & Italian
Sicilian Casolare, and immerse yourself in this unique Lucid Body retreat, combining the Lucid Body tools of psychophysical work along with intimacy work on stage and on set

Lucid Body Course in Italy

in Italian language

8-13th of July 2024
Paolo Grassi Civic Theater School, Milan, Italy

10:00 – 16:00 – (1h lunch break) Mon – Sat

10-14th of June 2024
Scuola di Teatro Linguaggicreativi , Milan, Italy

10:00 – 17:00 



Libro Il Metodo Lucid Body

The Lucid Body book, now available in Italian

The Italian version of the book ” The Lucid Body” by Fay Simpson is now available in Italian version: “Il Metodo Lucid Body” thanks to the help of Margherita Peluso.

lucid body teacher

Holistic Approach

As an actress,  Margherita Peluso wanted to explore a more holistic approach to acting. In her exploration journey, she decided to go deeper into a healthy way of acting. Using drama to heal in order to discover our true nature. Ayurveda and yoga study, rituals and anthropological research was a life-changing experience that she is now using in coaching and workshops.  Discovering Lucid Body had been an eye-opening moment for Margherita Peluso, finding for the first time a way to transmit authentically the emotions, but also to be able to set up bounderies, knowing our limits and become free and independent working actor. An holistic approach to acting and for life.  With personalized coaching sessions and a tailored approach to each student, Margherita Peluso is dedicated to help everyone who wants to  achieve and discover the full potential.

What to expect?

You can work on a piece that you need to prepare and go through a process of self examination using Lucid body techniques and personalized treatments.

Lucid body coaching

Lucid Body allows those who follow the practice to explore, uncover hidden parts of themselves, dig deeper and fly higher

Lucid Body technique is a psycho physical process developed by Fay Simpson. I will be teaching LB in order to guide you on a journey of self exploration and release. Using the chakra energy centers as tools for understanding and expanding our idea of the Self , each coaching will offer exercises to widen our range of self expression to cut through the habits that keep us limited . For the brave actor or anyone interested in self transformation.

It is based on the idea that self-knowledge is the number one focus of your acting. Lucid Body is a psych-physical process that can offer an actor the building blocks of a new language to further develop a character through diagnosis and full embodiment. A process of self introspection and exploration that will help you change your emotional and physical habits, and expand your acting potential.

Listen to this podcast to discover more about Pranayama breathing

They share their experience

“Lucid Body is really amazing because it gets you very much in touch with yourself. You get to explore yourself. You get to know yourself better. And you get to explore the full range of human emotions which you don’t normally get the chance to in normal life.”
Ana M.
Lucid Body Wordkshop
“Lucid Body is very stimulating. It’s a lot of work. It’s helping me expand myself. It’s helping me grow as an actor. I’m working through every chakra. It’s very intense. It’s extremely gratifying.”
Alexander Ananasso
Lucid Body Workshop
We laughed, cried and excavated our hearts and souls, and explored persona, shadow and layering of character. We played, danced, swam and stretched the tension out of our bodies and minds in this beautiful Sicilian landscape.
Lucid Body Retreat - June 2023

Lucid body FAQS

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find the answers to some questions you might have regarding the acting coaching sessions. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, please write to us through the contact form or by email, so we can help you!

Lucid Body was developed for actors because actors must experience the entire range of human experience available in order to hold a truthful mirror up for humanity to further open their craft. This is a wonderful option for actors looking to fully embody their craft. Lucid Body will set you apart as an actor who has a found a way to act while following a unique and holistic approach.

Lucid Body is for the actor who is looking for a different approach to their craft. The actor who is looking for a natural and healing approach to developing their characters. Lucid Body is also a wonderful craft for those looking to better connect with themselves on a physical and mental level. It can be a wonderful practice for those looking to expand their mind and health, not just for actors, but for all looking for a holistic approach to being and living. The foundation of Lucid Body can be practiced by anyone wanting to explore parts of themselves that would otherwise be cloistered away in the backroom of their psyche. It helps with both physical and emotional alignment, as well as creative flow.
What makes Lucid Body so unique is that it is based on the seven chakra energy centers that are used as a tool to differentiate human behavior based on intent. The root will protect you, the heart expresses compassion and joy. While using the Lucid Body approach, it allows those who follow the practice to explore, uncover hidden parts of themselves, dig deeper and fly higher. Following Lucid Body will help actors and all those interested to move into new places that they have yet to explore.
Since Lucid Body was created to help actors experience the full range of human experience, it can provide wonderful mental and physical health benefits. It can help create a clearer psyche and fresher mind experience for overall well-being. By following the Lucid Body principle, it creates a more fluid body experience for everyday experiences. Lucid Body can offer excellent mental and physical benefits to actors and non-actors alike.
Margherita Peluso is an international actress originally from Milan. She currently works and resides between Italy and New York City. She started with Physical Acting at the Jacque Lecoq school, continuing studying acting at the Gloria Gifford Conservatory for Performing Arts in Los Angeles , Michael Howard studio in NYC and she studied with thespians such as Larry Moss, Emma Dante and Eugenio Barba. She currently is a Lucid Body Coach taught directly under Fay Simpson, the creator and founder of Lucid Body. She just finished production for the highly anticipated film “Finding Marta”, a film based on Marta Abba, the muse of Luigi Pirandello.

Lucid Body Coach Margherita Peluso is available to bring the craft of Lucid Body to schools, acting academy’s and universities through workshops, private lessons, and classes. Lucid Body can offer excellent mental and physical benefits to actors and non-actors alike.

Yes, Margherita Peluso can offer individual one-to-one sessions according to your goals & needs. Please contact us to have more information.

Margherita Peluso also organises specific workshops for non actors, please find the information in the workshop page.

Passed events

Lucid Body Retreat

Sicily, ITALY | June 16-21, 2023 | 6days, 5night

With Fay Simpson, Founder of Lucid Body
Spend 6 days in an authentic Sicilian Casolare, and immerse yourself in this unique Lucid Body retreat, combining the Lucid Body tools of psychophysical work along with holistic healing rituals.

Let’s Work

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