Il Metodo Lucid Body

Libro: il metodo Lucid body Una guida psico-fisica per l’attoreNEW: “The Lucid Body” di Fay Simpson, tradotto in italiano ordina il libro Sinossi Un attore che sa usare il valore della recitazione deve essere in grado di rappresentare svariati personaggi, appartenenti a qualsiasi contesto o ceto sociale. La sua arte è proprio nella capacità di […]
Want to explore the world?

How to find opportunities abroad? I want to share with you some platforms that you can use to find opportunities abroad and to help you plan your stay: On the move: access to information and resources on cultural mobility Theater without border: connecting artists globally Culture 360 ResArtis
Help us to translate Lucid Body book in Italian

We need your help ! Help us make available the lessons available in Italian and translate the textbook. Make a Donation Lucid body is a path that brings to a deepest self- knowledge, it’s the promotion of the actor physical and mental wellness. At first, addressed to whom is in the acting field and then […]